Cultural Capital

What is Cultural Capital?
Cultural Capital is the knowledge, behaviours and skills that children need in order to prepare them to be successful in society. It draws on their cultural awareness, knowledge and competence with the aim of exposing children to different life experiences. It helps children achieve goals, become successful and support their next stage of education and in the world of work.

What does OFSTED say about Cultural Capital?
OFSTED defines cultural capital
“As part of making the judgement about quality of education, inspectors will consider the extent to which schools are equipping pupils with the knowledge and cultural capital they need to succeed in life. Ofsted’s understanding of this knowledge and cultural capital matches the understanding set out in the aims of the national curriculum. It is the essential knowledge that pupils need to be educated citizens, introducing them to the best that has been thought and said, and helping to engender an appreciation of human creativity and achievement.”

How is Cultural Capital implemented at St Marys?
At St Mary’s we aim to provide our children with experiences and opportunities to explore the world around them, ask questions and take part in interesting and stimulating experiences.

This may include:

  • Finding out about the local area and visiting different places
  • Learning about people in our community
  • Being involved in charity events and fundraising
  • Caring for Animals
  • Celebrating different cultures, traditions and faiths
  • Showcasing talents
  • Learning beyond the classroom
  • Taking part in sports competitions
  • Baking, hygiene and safety in the kitchen
  • Learning about road safety
  • Learning about inspirational people
  • Having fun and working as a team

We have included examples of some of our experiences below:

A Biscuit Investigation

A Visit To The Fire Station

Airport Visit


E-Safety Theatre Visit

Fruit Kebabs

Healthy Food Preparation

Hockey Skills

Life Skills

One World Week – Mexico

Our School Wonderland – Shady Hollow

Performance Opportunities

Remembrance Sunday

Residential School Trips

Respect Course at the Fire Station

School Council Fundraising

School Disco

Travelling Theatre

Ugandan Choir Visit

Visiting the Parish Church

Zoolab Visit School