

For admission to our Nursery, please complete and return the Nursery Enquiry Card (under Virtual Office, School Forms). The admissions process for September 2023 will commence after the spring half term break in 2023.

Reception Admissions:

Please see the table below detailing important dates to secure a place in one of our Reception classes in September 2023:

Online application forms available 1 September 2022
Closing date for applications 15 January 2024
Deadline for giving supporting documentation  15 February 2024
Offers made 16 April 2024
Deadline for accepting or refusing places 30 April 2024
Waiting lists prepared and vacancies allocated after 30 April 2024
Deadline for accepting or refusing a place 10 days from offer
Closing date for appeal applications 114 May 2024
Appeal hearings (on time applications) Heard by 19 July 2023
Appeal hearings (late applications) Within 40 days of appeal closing date where possible or 30 school days of appeal being lodged

Where possible decision letters are sent out within 5 school days of the hearing.

In Year Applications:

Please click the link below for further information in respect of an In Year Application to St Mary’s for your child.

In Year Application

Nursery Admission Policy 2023 – 2024

Nursery Admission Policy 2024 – 2025

Nursery Admission Policy 2025 – 2026

School Admission Policy 2023 – 2024

School Admission Policy 2024 – 2025

School Admission Policy 2025 – 2026


Two young students working together and studying their work books.

Two young students sat together on a wooden bench, looking at some purple coloured shapes.