Class 9

Your teacher is: Mrs Bevington

Other adults working with you include: Mrs Karavia, Mme Davies and Ms. Cheshiremas.

Curriculum Information for the Autumn Term 2024
You will find your child’s curriculum information on the below links:
Yr-3-Autumn-1.pdf (
Yr-3-Autumn-2.pdf (

P.E. days

We ask that your child come to school in their P.E. kit on the two days that they have P.E. Please ensure that they have appropriate warm clothes during the winter.
Your P.E. days are: Monday and Wednesday

Reading Diaries

Please read daily and record the reading in your child’s reading diary.
Dojo points will be awarded for parent signatures and reading.
In our class we will change books when we need to.
There is an opportunity to change books every day first thing in the morning.


Each year group has different types and amounts of homework.
In our class, homework will be sent out on FRIDAY and due in on the following WEDNESDAY. The information will be shared on Class Dojo for your information.

Please avoid bringing backpacks to school due to space in our cloakrooms. Please remember to bring a water bottle.

Please remember to check your Class Dojo app daily for up-to-date individual, school or specific class information. Our School Website and Facebook Page are also vital sources of information.

Looking Ahead 2024/2025

September 2024

Wed 4th Sep Children return to school
Thurs 5th Sep Welcome Back Assemblies, Golden Rules, School Mission Statement
Tues 17th Sep SEND coffee morning 9:00 am
Fri 13th Sep Mass for the New School Year (Year 6)
Parents and Families welcome
St. Mary’s Church 10 am- all children to walk from school
Fri 20th Sep Peace Day- Team Assemblies
Tues 24th Sep School Photographs
Families, siblings and individuals
Wed 25th Sep European Week of Languages-
Madam Davies to incorporate into language lessons this week- KS2 only
Thurs 26th Sep Non-Uniform- all children to bring in cakes
Fri 27th Sep Macmillan Coffee Afternoon
Cakes and juice in classroom 2:30 pm- Parents welcome to join in class
Tea and coffee in the KS1 hall 2:30 pm (no children)

October 2024

w/b Mon 30th Sep-
Friday 4th
Parent Reading & Phonic Sessions- A presentation about diaries, phonics,
spelling, reading expectations for the term

  • Year 5 and 6 Monday 30th Sep Mrs Harding to lead presentation at 9:15 am
    parents then visit class at 9:45 am
  • Nur and Rec- Tues 1st Oct Mrs Cosby leads presentation in KS1 hall at
    9: 15am-presentation only
  • Year 1 and 2 – Tues 1st Oct Mrs Colgan lead presentation at 2:15 am- parents
    then visit class at 2:45am
  • Year 3 and 4-Wednesday 2nd Oct Miss Davies to lead presentation at 9:15 amparents
    then visit class at 9:45

Tea and Coffee in KS2 Hall for parents from 8:45 am or 2:00pm

Fri 4th Oct Class 16 KH Parent Assembly – Mrs Harding 2:30pm
Key Stage 2 Hall
Tues 8th Oct AIM High Maths Day for Year 5 and Year 6 with Hazel Large
Fri 11th Oct Class 17EB Parent Assembly – Miss Baron 2.30pm
Key Stage 2 Hall
Tues 15th Oct SEND coffee morning
Thurs 17th Oct Open Afternoon – 2pm
Friday 18th Oct Class 7EB Assembly for Parents- Miss Bailey 2:30pm
Key Stage 2 Hall
Tues 22nd Oct and
Wed 23rd Oct
Year 5 Safety Central Trip
Wed 23rd Oct Parent Consultation 1 4pm -7pm
Thurs 24th Oct Parent Consultation 2 4pm – 7pm
Thurs 24th Oct Black History Afternoon
Fri 25th Oct Class 13CB/HW- Mrs Barnett and Mrs Walker assembly
2:30 pm
Key Stage 2 Hall
Fri 25th Oct School Closes for October Half Term

November 2024

Mon 4th Nov Pupils return
Tues 5th Nov SEND coffee morning 9am – 10 am
Tues 5th Nov Year 6 Residential meeting for parents (KH) 9:15 am KS2 Hall
Fri 8th Nov Mass for the Feast of All Saints (Year 5)
Key Stage 2 Hall 9:15 am
Fri 8th Nov Class 18 KMP Parent Assembly – Mrs Macpherson
Key Stage 2 Hall 2.30pm
Sun 10th Nov Remembrance Sunday- Cenotaph Crewe
Thurs 14th Nov FLUENZ spray- not nursery children
Friday 15th Nov Class 9MB Parent Assembly -Mrs Bevington 2:30pm
Key Stage 2 Hall
Mon 11th- Fri 15th Nov Anti-Bullying Week
Monday 11th Nov ODD sock day- children come to school with odd sock and
normal school uniform
Wed 20th Nov Children’s Rights Day
Wed 20th – Fri 22nd Nov Year 6 Residential
Robinwood Wrexham
Fri 22nd Nov Class 12LD Parent Assembly – Miss Davies 2:20pm
Key Stage 2 Hall- parents welcome

December 2024

Tues 3rd Dec SEND Coffee morning 9 am- 10 am
Wed 4th Dec Christmas Fair- Times TBC
Tuesday 10th Dec Forgiveness for Advent
Year 6
9.10-9.30 Service KS2 Hall
(followed by individual forgiveness)
Fri 13th Dec Year 4 Advent Performances (in school) (parents & families welcome)
Performance 1 9:15am
Performance 2 2:15pm KS2 hall
Wed 11th Dec Forgiveness for Advent
Year 5
1:30 pm Service KS2 Hall
(followed by individual forgiveness)
Thur 12th Dec Forgiveness for Advent
Year 4
9.10-9.30 Service KS2 Hall
Thurs 12th Dec Christmas Service Year 1 and 2
At St. Mary’s Church 2:15 pm
Mon 16th Dec Year 3 Advent Performances (in school)
Tues 17th Dec Advent Celebration
Reception: KS1 hall- at 9:20 am
Wed 18th Dec Christmas Lunch- whole school
Wed 18th Dec Year 5 and 6 Carol Service St Mary’s Church
Dress Rehearsal- 10 am- children and staff only
Wed 18th Dec Nursery- Nativity at 10:30 am in Key Stage 1
Thurs 19th Dec Year 5 and 6 Carol Service St Mary’s Church
6pm- evening performance (parents & families welcome)
Fri 20th Dec Christmas Jumper Day (NON-UNIFORM DAY) and Parties

January 2025

Tues 7th Jan Pupils Return

Many thanks for your continued support and co-operation. If you have any queries please contact us through Class Dojo in the first instance.