Learning Mentor – Mrs Murray

My name is Mrs Murray, I am the Learning Mentor at St Mary’s. It’s my job to try and help children at St Mary’s to feel happy, confident and safe. I can support children in school who are experiencing difficulties which may have an impact on their learning or how they feel.

  • Improving friendship skills
  • Helping to feel happier and less worried
  • Developing good social skills
  • Supporting through bereavement, loss or change
  • Helping to follow the Golden Rules
  • Building self-esteem and confidence
  • Dealing with feelings of frustration and anger
  • Improving attendance and punctuality
  • …and anything else which is a worry.

I may work with children on a 1:1 basis, in small groups or in class. I also have some Lunchtime Nurture Groups where we eat lunch together and play games


If a child has a Family Support Worker, Social Worker, or support from other agencies, I can work alongside them to support children in school. If a child makes a disclosure or we are worried about a child, we will make a referral to ChECS for support.
If you are worried about a child or family, you can contact ChECS on 03001235012, to report your concerns.


When I work with a child the sessions are confidential – this means that everything we talk about is private, unless there is something which we need more help with, then I will pass on any concerns to people who can help. Safeguarding procedures will be followed in the event of a disclosure.

Further Support

For information on local and national support services please visit our Support for Families page

What to do if you are worried…

There are lots of people in school and the local community who can help you if you are worried, this poster tells you about some of them…

People Who Can Help