Our Catholic Community, Ethos and Values

Vision, Mission and Values

As an organisation, commissioned by the Church through the Bishop of Shrewsbury, our mission is to serve those in our Catholic community and contribute to achievement, excellence and equity. The role of St Mary’s, as a Catholic School, has as its source and inspiration in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

As a Catholic organisation, the person and teachings of Jesus Christ, as presented in the gospels and proclaimed by the Church, are central to our vision, mission and values. Founded in Christ and sustained by faith, we seek to enable each of our pupils to come into the fullness of their own humanity. This is a journey in hope and towards hope.



We act with integrity in every aspect of our work.

Equity and Justice

Equity and Justice

We seek to provide equitable access and opportunity for all with particular consideration for the disadvantaged and marginalised.



We respect the dignity, diversity and contribution of each person and are compassionate in all our relationships.



We strive for excellence in all we do.