Pupil Premium

What is the Pupil Premium Funding?

Pupil Premium is additional funding we receive which is targeted at children from low-income families. This funding ensures that the children benefit from the same opportunities as children from higher income households. We aim to maximise your child’s learning potential by using this funding effectively.
Pupil Premium funding provides additional support for pupils who:

  • Are presently registered for free school meals
  • Have been registered for free school meals at any point in the past 6 years
  • Are, or have previously been in care
  • Have parents in the armed forces

The Government pay Pupil Premium funding is directly to our school and cannot be paid to parents or carers. It makes a big difference to St Mary’s and our eligible pupils. We agree strategies with our staff and governors to ensure that we use the funding in the most appropriate way to benefit your child.
We report on how we spend the money on our website (see below).

How much is it worth?

We will receive £1,455 per year for every eligible child from Reception onwards. For further details, please navigate to https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/pupil-premium/pupil-premium#pupil-eligibility-and-funding-rates

How can I find out if my child is eligible?

It is worth exploring if you can claim free school meals. The Government base the eligibility criteria on benefits, which may include:

  • Universal Credit with no earned income or with net monthly earnings less than £616.67
  • Income Support
  • Income based Jobseeker’s Allowance
  • Income related Employment Support Allowance
  • Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
  • The guaranteed element of State Pension Credit
  • Child Tax Credit  – as long as you have a yearly household income of less than £16,190 (as assessed by HM Revenue and Customs) and do not get Working Tax Credit
  • Working Tax Credit run-on (paid for 4 weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit)

How do I apply for free school meals?

The process to confirm your child’s eligibility is very quick and simple. Please navigate to https://www.cheshireeast.gov.uk/schools/free_school_meals.aspx , which provides up-to-date criteria information. You can also apply online from this page or alternatively telephone Cheshire East (0300 123 5012).

It is worth making a claim for free school meals even if your child is in Key Stage 1 as we can still claim this additional funding.

You can also apply for your nursery-age children if they attend sessions at our Nursery.

Does my child have to eat the free school meal?

No, however we would suggest that your child samples our varied menu choices.

Pupils who are registered for free school meals can, as an alternative bring a home packed lunch provided by you. By simply registering your child, we will still receive the additional funding, which will support your child.

Are free school meals different to the free meal provided already in Early Years and Key Stage 1?

Yes. Currently pupils in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are entitled to a free school meal under the Universal Free School Meal (UIFSM) Government Initiative. The Government does not provide any additional Pupil Premium funding under the UIFSM initiative.

If your child is in Nursery or classes 1 to 9 and could be eligible for free school meals based on the criteria above, please register your child’s eligibility as we will then receive the additional Pupil Premium funding.

My child is already receiving free school meals, what else do I have to do?

If your child is in Year 3 or above you do not have to do anything else as we have the information we need.

What do I have to do if my circumstances change and our family income increases?

You will need to inform Cheshire East Council but you will be told how to do this in the letter you receive confirming that your child is eligible for free school meals.

How will St Mary’s use the money to support my child?

We use the funding in many different ways including:

  • Improving educational provision and resources
  • Providing additional, targeted, academic intervention programmes
  • Offering targeted self-esteem building programmes
  • Providing pupil counselling services
  • Offering subsidies for year 4 and year 6 residential visits
  • Subsidising music tuition
  • Subsidising extra-curricular clubs