Protected Characteristics

At St Mary’s Catholic Primary School we ensure that all children gain an understanding of the world they are growing up in, and learn how to live alongside, and show respect for a diverse range of people. As stakeholders at St Mary’s we promote equality and pupils’ understanding of the protected characteristic

Under the Equality Act, there are nine Protected Characteristics:
Gender reassignment
Religion or belief.
Marriage or civil partnership
Sexual orientation
Pregnancy and maternity

The Protected Characteristics are actively promoted in school through:

  • Our School Mission statement
  • Core values
  • Our school behaviour policy
  • Conscious role modelling by all adults in the school community
  • Active engagement and communication with parents and carers
  • Assemblies, Masses and liturgies
  • British Values
  • RHE and PSHE lessons
  • SMSC links and school themes
  • Safeguarding curriculum and community link visits
  • Sporting, Art and Cultural Events
  • Pupil Voice
  • Educational visits
  • Real-life learning outside the classroom
  • Extra-curricular activities, after-school clubs, charity work and work within the local community